Need for Speed: Most Wanted Supports Prop 130 To Raise The Speed Limit To 130 MPH

With Need For Speed: Most Wanted coming to the PS3 and PS Vita tomorrow (check back very soon for our full review), the makers of the game have come out in full support of Proposition 130, a bill to increase the speed limit to 130 mph.

They took to the official Need For Speed: Most Wanted website to offer up their two cents as to why you should be voting ‘yes’:

What’s the point of owning a supercar capable of insane speeds and thrilling acceleration, when the national speed limit restricts your speed to just 65 miles-per-hour?

We’re trying to change all that by supporting Proposition 130: an amendment to the national speed limit that would allow drivers to legally drive at up to 130 miles-per-hour.

In the inforgraphic below, we’ve outlined just a few of the benefits you can look forward to once the legislation has been passed and all the street signs and stuff get changed.

And why stop there?

Once Prop 130 is law we’ll be supporting a campaign to keep American moving at cross-junctions by introducing ramps to deal with cross traffic. Why slow down or stop, when you can simply jump across busy intersections?

Followed closely by the introduction of a minimum speed limit. This will be enforced through the use of roadside cameras tracking vehicle speeds, with level-headed drivers facing stiff penalties for blocking the roads with their moderate driving and sensible cars.

While you wait the few short months for all these great ideas to become law, why not check out Need for Speed Most Wanted? Although speed limits in the game are strictly enforced by the Fairhaven City Police Department, you won’t have to pay real fines or spend time in jail if you get busted.

If you still haven’t guessed, this is a piece of satire on their part, with a quick Google search revealing that Prop 130 was in 1990 and was about logging.

Hopefully this provided you with a hearty laugh, and if not, check out the infographic below for a few chuckles. When you’re done, feel free to let us know if you’ll be picking up Need For Speed: Most Wanted tomorrow in the comments below.

 More on Need For Speed: Most Wanted


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