Dead or Alive 5 Team “Definitely Inspired by Naughty Dog”

Dead or Alive 5 launched on the PlayStation 3 at the end of September, receiving a 6 from us, and CVG recently caught up with Yosuke Hayashi of Team Ninja.

When asked who he thinks is making the best games in the world, he answered with a very good studio:

For Dead Or Alive 5 we took a lot of inspiration from Naughty Dog. Specifically it was the whole stage crumbling, and things falling off, and the characters rolling down, grabbing on to the ledges in Uncharted. We also wanted to hint at that flow you get into in Uncharted, where you know that something massive is about to happen. In Uncharted you fall off a cliff, or off a boat and things like that, and we thought moments like that would be great in DOA5’s fighting system. We got really inspired by that, and we’ve tried to do something very similar.

Continuing with the Naughty Dog praise, he said:

I think that we definitely were inspired by Naughty Dog’s work. It’s not like we’re doing a cheap, superficial imitation of that game. As creators we were inspired, and it’s a good opportunity right now to tell our players about this. It’s something they might not notice, but we really respect Naughty Dog, their work is fantastic.

It may seem weird to have a fighting game be so heavily inspired by a third person action adventure title, but it just goes to show how influential the Uncharted series is.

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