The Original BioShock only Comes With North American Copies of Infinite

Back at E3 2011, Irrational Games’ creative director and co-founder Ken Levine took the stage at Sony’s press conference to announce that purchasing the PS3 version of BioShock: Infinite would net gamers the original BioShock free of charge.

VideoGamer contacted a 2K Games spokesperson who has revealed that this promotion is strictly a North American promotion:

I can confirm that the PS3 version of BioShock Infinite in North America contains a copy of the original BioShock. This is not the case in UK as it’s a local promotion in North America.

I can understand how much this must frustrate many of our readers outside of North America. The tricky thing about promotions announced during press conferences is that details are generally slim, and any marketing related announcements can only really be expected for the territory the conference takes place in, unfortunately. Hopefully some will find solace in the fact that the original BioShock is quite cheap to purchase online.

Is the lack of the original BioShock a deal-breaker for anyone? Does this have you considering purchasing BioShock: Infinite elsewhere? Air your frustrations in the comments below, and think of PlayStation LifeStyle like really ineffective group therapy where you can make or break someone’s self esteem via snide comments and down-voting.

More on BioShock:


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