PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: February 2nd & 3rd, 2013 – Super Bowl Edition

In case you haven’t heard yet, Super Bowl XLVII is happening this Sunday. Pitting the Baltimore Ravens against the San Francisco 49ers, it has all the makings of a classic, with two brothers coaching against each other, and allegations of deer antler spray being used to heal injuries thrown around.

As big of a spectacle as it is though, the game itself will only be about 3-4 hours, leaving another 44 hours or so for gaming. So, read on to find out what the PSLS staff will be playing this weekend, and let us know what you’ll be playing this weekend in the comments below.

Cameron Teague – PR Manager/Reviews Coordinator (@Cameron_PSLS)

I just recently started a new job so my game time has been limited. However, when I do find time, it is still a lot of Ni no Kuni and a dash of League of Legends. When I find more time, I still pop in some Ragnarok Odyssey to give my Vita some love.

Chandler Wood – Still Not Tired of all the Wood Jokes (@FinchStrife)

In order to get our review out by release day, I’ll be hard at ‘work’ playing through Dead Space 3. I really don’t think I will have time to touch anything else this weekend as I want to finish the story and take in as many of the extras for this game as I can. I might get some Vita time in while relaxing in bed, just to cleanse my pallet, but most of my awake time will be spent dismembering necromorphs in a sweet N7 Rig.

Dan Oravasaari – Homeless (@FoolsJoker)

This weekend I do not know if I will have much time to actually play anything, as we just had to put down my mom’s cat, so I might spend a day or so back at my parent’s place. I will also be having to shoot, and edit Bad Gamers somewhere along those lines as well, so if I am lucky enough to get a chance to play something, it will be Ni no Kuni.

Jason Dunning – Lead News Writer (@Jasonad21)

I’ll be going outside of the PlayStation family this weekend and playing through Fire Emblem: Awakening (Canada got it early) as I gear up for the Super Bowl on Sunday. Though my team didn’t make it this year, I’ll still be watching, even with the Canadian feed cutting out the ability to see those crazy ads shown in the United States.

Jesse Meikle – News Writer (@Jesse_WM)

I’m going to be fairly busy with non-gaming affairs this weekend. However, I’m hoping to get in as much DmC Devil May Cry as possible. I spent nearly all of my recent free time in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, so I’m hoping to get away from that. I’d also like to find some time to play Uncharted: Golden Abyss, and I’m interested in testing out Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus, though I shouldn’t jump into a new game at this point.

Louis Edwards – Writer (@ftwrthtx)

Another weekend and another game added to my library thanks to PlayStation Plus. Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus is now free for the Vita so I’ll be getting in some time with that, when not getting ready for my annual Super Bowl Bash. Madden will be played, sliders will be ate, beer will be drank, and football on the big screen will be watched.

Sebastian Moss – Billionaire Tyrant (@SebMoss)

I’m thinking I’ll switch off all the lights, pull the curtains, get under a blanket and play Dead Space. Also, I picked up UDraw for less than the price of a chocolate bar, so I might give that a spin and draw some THQ dildos.

What are you playing this weekend? Will you be watching the Super Bowl? Let us know below.


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