Tomorrow on NA PS Plus: Vanquish and Mega Man Maverick Hunter X Free

This is a really good week for PlayStation Plussers in North America, with Platinum Games’ Vanquish becoming available for free, likely due to the fact that their newest title, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, is releasing tomorrow. The PlayStation 3 isn’t the only system getting a new addition to the Instant Game Collection though, as Mega Man Maverick Hunter X is coming to the PlayStation Vita and PSP.

While the update could easily stop there and be considered great, the Dust 514 Starter Pack is also going from $10 to free. Not content with stopping there, Urban Trial Freestyle  is getting a 20% discount on both the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita versions (it isn’t Cross Buy). This brings the PS3 copy from $14.99 to $11.99 and the PS Vita from $9.99 to $7.99.

What will you be downloading tomorrow? Let us know in the comments below.


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