Celebrate the Launch of Men’s Room Mayhem With an Awkward Live Action Video

When the PlayStation Store updates today in North America and tomorrow in Europe, Men’s Room Mayhem for PlayStation Vita is going to leak onto the PlayStation Network, shaking a $1.39/£1.99/€2.49 regular price tag at you, with launch discounts expected to drop it even further in both regions.

To prepare you for the mayhem about to ensue in the men’s room, two trailers were released today – a short one strictly about gameplay, while the other one is just plain awkward:

Sebastian’s vast knowledge of men’s rooms and PlayStation quickly pointed out that the second video is actually a rip-off/homage to a PlayStation Portable commercial from many years ago:

Which men’s room video was is your favorite? Are you going to be buying Men’s Room Mayhem? Do you take your PlayStation Vita into the men’s room? Let us know in the comments below.

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