Killzone: Shadow Fall Won’t Have Split-Screen, Shuhei Acknowledges Reggie’s “Meh” PS4 Launch Titles Comment

It was a few months ago where we let you know that we spotted on Guerrilla Games’ website how Killzone: Shadow Fall (now confirmed as a PS4 launch title on November 15th/29th) would forego split-screen multiplayer.

Well, this news has been confirmed by Sid Shuman, Social Media Manager over at PlayStation, who replied to a commenter, “Just confirmed that [Killzone: Shadow Fall] does not” have split-screen support.” While this is definitely disappointing, you do have a fully customizable online multiplayer mode which ships with 10 maps (with post-launch ones being free) to look forward to, in addition to the single player campaign.

Sid also talked about two of the three classes in Shadow Fall by saying, “Sniper can cloak, the Support class can use a revive droid and turret (among others), drop spawn beacons and more.” He then added, “They are far, far more customizeable than before in terms of weapons, skills, etc.”

While this doesn’t really have anything to do with Killzone: Shadow Fall, we did want to let you know that Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony Worldwide Studios, acknowledged Reggie’s comments about the PS4’s launch titles by tweeting, “It’s near impossible to dislike Reggie #meh :D.”

What do you think about Killzone: Shadow Fall not including split-screen? Let us know in the comments below.

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