Octodad Devs Were Given PS4 Dev Kits Within 48 Hours of First Contacting PlayStation


We loved Octodad: Dadliest Catch when we played it at E3, and we’re not alone – gamers across the web have all fallen in love with Young Horses’ PS4 title.

SCEA’s Sean Coleman revealed that Sony clearly loved with it too, explaining that it took just 48 hours for SCEA to give the developer PS4 dev kits. He said during Sony’s conference at GameStop’s Expo:

In our pursuit of trying to create the best place to play, PlayStation has worked alongside revolutionary indie developers to give them the tools needed to self publish to the PlayStaion Store quickly and easily.

My favorite game is a game called Octodad. Octodad started off as a school project, but within 48 hours of contacting PlayStation they had received their PlayStation 4 dev kit, and had the game up and running in only 3 weeks. Amazing.

Just like Octodad, a ton of other amazing indie experiences are coming exclusively first to PlayStation.

Ahead of the PS4’s launch, dev kits are likely in limited supply, but moving into 2014 the number should improve dramatically. Are you excited for the possibilities? Share your thoughts below.


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