Basement Crawl on PS4 Dated for January 29th in Europe, “Soon” in North America (Update: NA Maybe on the 28th)

Update: Bloober has said of the possible January 28th release date for Basement Crawl in North America, “Not 100% sure, but possible. It might be 28th, but nothing is confirmed yet.” We’ll let you know once it’s confirmed/not confirmed.

Original Story: It may not quite be the release date announcement you were hoping for with Basement Crawl, but Bloober Team has announced that their PS4 title will be out on Wednesday, January 29th in Europe. As for North America, Bloober only said they’ll announce a release date “soon.” It remains to be seen if this means the January 28th date listed on the PlayStation Store will hold true, so stay tuned for more confirmation when it arrives. You can expect Basement Crawl to cost $9.99/€9.99/₤7.99.

Described as a strategic action with classic Bomberman-style gameplay, here’s a trailer for Basement Crawl, which allows 4 player local multiplayer and up to 8 players online:

Bloober Team CEO Piotr Babieno talked about Basement Crawl:

Basement Crawl finally gives PlayStation 4 owners a reason to invite their friends over to show off their systems – our amazing local multiplayer that is as addictive as it is competitive. Basement Crawl rewards skill and practice, which means a good player will never get cheated out of a win by someone who grinds with better gear.  For any PS4 owner out there who is still looking for a really fun, truly unique multiplayer game for their new system, Basement Crawl is it.

Will you be picking up Basement Crawl when it comes out? Let us know in the comments below.