PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: May 3rd & 4th, 2014 – Advanced Edition

Sticking true to the game’s name, Activision ‘advanced’ the announcement video of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to today, rather than waiting until the big reveal they had planned for Sunday. Now that the trailer’s out, I have to say that I’m very intrigued by the direction Call of Duty is going and I’m hoping Sledgehammer can pull it off!

Here’s what everyone is playing this weekend:

Anthony Severino (@Sev_Anthony)

D’yani’s review convinced me to play Child of Light. I downloaded the demo and played it this morning to get a feel for it myself, and now I’m completely sold. I’ll be diving deep into that this weekend. I’m also considering picking up Titanfall for the Xbox One… I’m just a little late to the part with that one.

In real life, though, I’m going to be doing some shooting. I bought a Groupon for a shooting range and I’m going to shoot the shit out of something.

Cameron Teague

Pretty much the same as last week I think. Some Mugen Souls Z, Hyperdimension Neptunia: Producing Perfection, and JoJo’s Adventure or whatever the heck it is called. Outside of that, some Hulu Plus and that’s it.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

I’m going to be swinging through the streets of New York as the amazing Spider-Man, while trying my hand at SHAREfactory to bring you a short video review (in supplement to our standard written one). Past that, I will probably continue towards the Final Fantasy X plat, in fear of getting too overwhelmed by starting up more new games. I really do want to start into Child of Light after that glowing review D’yani did though… It looks fantastic.

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

This weekend I will be broadening my horizons by going to the opera. Past that, I’m not sure what I will play, since I lost my Child of Light save and don’t really want to go through everything again.

Jason Dunning (@Jasonad21)

I’m just about to enter Canada in South Park: The Stick of Truth, and I’ve read that that’s very close to the end of the game, so it looks like I’ll be finishing The Stick of Truth this weekend. If I do, I just might go out and buy Mario Golf for the 3DS…

Louis Edwards

With the Seaside Nationals in Ventura, Ca. this weekend, my gaming will be restricted to my Vita in-between filming motos. Either that or I’ll be playing dodgerman with the waves on the beach in-between motos. Maybe I’ll start working on my tan and take a break from MLB 14? Maybe not.

What are you playing this weekend? Let everyone know in the comments below.



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