Ninja Theory Working on a New IP, Reveal Expected at GDC Europe 2014

Earlier this week, developer Ninja Theory (DmC, Heavenly Sword, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West) said, “Cannot wait to show off some new Ninja work. It’s been too long.” Following wide speculation, they then added, “We’ll be announcing a new project soon, which is a new IP,” meaning that it won’t be a sequel to any of their previous titles.

While we don’t know which consoles this new IP will release for, Ninja Theory Co-Founder Tameem Antoniades will be speaking at GDC Europe on Tuesday, August 12, with the presentation’s description teasing footage of a new next-gen game:

The talk will detail the 14-year journey of Ninja Theory, including the sacrifices and concessions made to stay in the game. Footage of unreleased games, the reason why they didn’t go to market, and the specific sales-related decisions that led to their demise will be detailed. It will include the unrealized sequel to Kung Fu Chaos, footage of an as-yet-undisclosed next generation game, and various other pitches that we had to put on ice or walk away from. With the next generation consoles arriving at the top end, just as mobile and indie games have taken hold at the bottom, perhaps there is room for a third way, to turn the “squeezed middle,” where many a good studio has disappeared, into an opportunity to redefine gaming: the AAA indie game.


Attendees will gain insight into the Ninja Theory journey over the past 14 years, including footage of unreleased games and the studio’s as-yet-undisclosed next generation title. The talk will also cover the studio’s belief in the AAA indie model and the plan to break the limits of the traditional AAA development cycle.

If Ninja Theory’s new IP has anything to do with PlayStation, we’ll let you know.

[Source: GDC Europe via Videogamer]