The Order: 1886 GameStop-Exclusive Pre-Order DLC Includes an Endless Blackwater


When The Order: 1886’s release date, collector’s edition, and pre-order bonus was announced in June, we learned that anyone who pre-orders the game from a retail store or the PlayStation Store would receive the Knight’s Arsenal DLC, adding alternate outfits and alternate weapons you can equip after beating the game.

If you pre-order The Order: 1886 at GameStop, not only will you receive the Knight’s Arsenal DLC, but you’ll also receive the GameStop-exclusive Knight’s Endurance Pack, which includes the Desert Khaki Infiltration Field Uniform, an Endless Blackwater (for healing), and Blacksight Regeneration (for taking down your enemies).

The Order: 1886 will be available worldwide for PlayStation 4 on Friday, February 20, 2015.

[Source: GameStop via Gematsu]


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