Alien: Isolation Update Adds Nightmare and Novice Difficulty Modes

As part of a free update to the game on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and PC today, Alien: Isolation has been given two new difficulty modes — Nightmare and Novice.

For those of you who want more of a challenge, Nightmare Mode is said to be the “ultimate Alien: Isolation experience.”

Giving you a damaged display and undependable information, resources are limited even further, the map system is offline, and fellow survivors and synthetics are more dangerous. Not only that, but the AI is upgraded to be more adaptive, “learning from your tactics with chilling speed and with intensified senses that will give you no second chances…”


For those of you who don’t want much of a challenge, there’s Novice Mode, which offers up more resources and ammunition, less troublesome synthetics and fellow survivors, and a much more forgiving Alien who will be easily distracted and less aggressive.


Will you be testing out either of these new difficulty modes today?

[Source: Alien Isolation]


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