PSA: You Can Change htoL#NiQ’s Controls, No More Touch-Only Crap

There’s some good news for those curious about Nippon Ichi’s upcoming Vita exclusive htoL#NiQ (Hotaru no Nikki) The Firefly Diary. The domestic version of the game comes complete with an update that allows the player to change up the control scheme. The version I got stuck with only came with touchscreen and back touchpad-based controls which didn’t serve well at all.

The alternative allows fireflies to be controlled with an analog stick instead of touches, and swapping views to be done with face buttons.

Sadly, it doesn’t make Mion any more responsive or…shall we say…smart. Nonetheless, I imagine this change would definitely relieve some of the frustration I had with that game.

Thank you to Steven at Digital Chumps for confirming this for me.


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