Image courtesy of NeoGAF

Strength in Numbers – Why Gamers are Rallying for a #BetterPSN and How You Can Help

Image courtesy of wilflare from NeoGAF

It’s no secret by now that the PlayStation Network isn’t the most stable paid service in the gaming industry. Who can forget the catastrophic 2011 PSN hack that crippled the service for weeks? Even without that lingering in the shadows, frequent PSN outages have been reported, and as expected, fans have been very, very upset by it.

While a better online infrastructure is something everyone wants, it doesn’t end there. With how successful the PS4 has become this generation and the lead it’s gotten over the Xbox One worldwide, people are tired of the PlayStation Network’s lack of features. Don’t forget, we are now paying to be able to play online on the PS4, and it’s hard to argue that the PSN has gotten better compared to its PS3 brethren.

Now, gamers have united to rally for a better PSN — or PSN 2.0 if you will — and it just might be the kick in the pants Sony needs to get a move on. 

Started by members of NeoGAF, it has snowballed into so much more. Now, there’s a website aptly named, where like-minded gamers can get involved with the initiative by voting for their most wanted PSN feature, make suggestions and more.


Toppling a Giant

Online petitions are nothing new, and some might be wondering whether even taking part in this movement will have any impact at all, since, y’know, Sony is a big multi-billion corporation that surely has better use of their time than to listen to people on forums and websites, right?

That might have been the case in years past, but thanks to social media, things are starting to change. One doesn’t have to look far to see how former insulated giant corporations are now listening to the “little people.” Just this generation alone, online rallies like the PS4 #NoDRM campaign have worked so well that it seemingly changed the gaming landscape.

Remember when the Xbox One originally had an asinine way of controlling how you sell and lend your games? It’s not a stretch to say that with the movement’s momentum and making sure people are educated, it helped push Microsoft to take a long hard look at its platform. Long story short, Microsoft was reportedly getting demolished in pre-order console sales, and the company had no choice but to back down or release the Xbox One dead in the water. 

Strength in Numbers

Now, PS4 gamers are asking for your help by tweeting to Sony execs like Shuhei Yoshida, Adam Boyes, Andrew House and more with the hashtag #BetterPSN making sure voices are heard. It’s important to note that the #BetterPSN campaign is not intended to harass nor troll PlayStation suits, but rather, it’s uniting gamers to speak in one loud voice so that the plight of a better PlayStation Network can be heard.

Thanks to creator Christian Weber (Bahlor on NeoGAF), etta, Aurizen, wilflare, Steiner84 and Andrefpvs, we now have the top 10 most requested Better PSN features (listed down in the gallery below), as well as other important stats that give us a proper perspective as to how the movement has grown over the past few weeks. and Hashtag Stats:

Website Created On: June 30, 2015

Started With: 29 Suggestions

Current Number of Suggestions: 62

#BetterPSN hashtag now has a reach of 2.235.419 and over 2.488.703 timeline delivers (via

Relevant Twitter Accounts:

BetterPSN (@BetterPSN)

Shuhei Yoshida – Sony Worldwide Studios President (@yosp)

Adam Boyes – PlayStation VP of Publisher & Developer Relations (@amboyes)

Toshimasa Aoki – Works on PS4 Features and Project Morpheus (@toshimasa_aoki)

Andrew House – President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment (@andrewhouse_ps)

Ask PlayStation (@AskPlayStation)

Official PlayStation Twitter (@PlayStation)

Making a Difference

Even with all hashtags, Twitter mentions and suggestions, there’s no guarantee that Sony will implement any of the changes. Heck, Sony itself even created its own platform where fans can chime in on how they think Sony can improve the “PlayStation Experience” with PlayStation.Blog.Share. But so far, success has been minimal at best.

Honestly, we’re not even sure if they can pull all these off during the PS4 generation. Regardless, though, working as one for a better PSN could make Sony stand up and implement some of the most requested ideas…and for some, that’s all they’re asking for.

What are your most wanted changes for the PSN? Are you taking part in the #BetterPSN campaign? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Thanks to Christian Weber for the stats. You can check out the full NeoGAF thread for more info. You can reach the author of this post on Twitter @excaliburps) or via email.

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