Fallout 4 Will Offer Over 400 Hours of Gameplay, Check Out the RPG’s Exclusive PS4 Theme

Fallout 4 will have over 400 hours of content to play through, Lead Producer Jeff Gardiner revealed in a recent interview with Official Xbox Magazine. He mentioned that he personally has spent hundreds of hours in the game, and is still finding new content.

Iā€™ve played the game for probably 400 hours, and Iā€™m still finding stuff that I havenā€™t seen.

Gardiner explained that this is partly due to the gameā€™s complex crafting system, and talked a bit about how electronics, including generators, will work.

Itā€™s all common sense visual stuff. If it doesnā€™t connect to the generator, the power doesnā€™t work. You can actually flag stuff to say, ā€˜Iā€™m looking for this stuff because I want to make thisā€™ which means that when youā€™re scavenging anything that fulfills the requirement gets flagged in the world. When you connect stuff to the computer terminal you have a lot of control and sort of fine tuning. If youā€™ve got something that plays music, you can actually define how itā€™s playing music.

In other Fallout 4 news, PlayStation 4 owners can now pre-order the RPG on the PS Store, and by doing so, they will unlock a special ā€œFallout 4 Garage Theme.ā€ A fan took the time to record a short video of what that theme looks like when it is all set up ā€” take a look below:

Fallout 4 is due outĀ November 10 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

[Source: OXM via Gamespresso via VideoGamer, MadMoneyBanks (YouTube) via GameSpot]