Third-Party Partnerships Will Continue to Be “Really Important in 2016,” Says PlayStation Europe Boss

With Destiny and Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 featuring timed-exclusive DLC on PlayStation, and upcoming titles like Street Fighter V and No Man’s Sky being PlayStation 4 console-exclusives, Sony has spent a good amount of time and money partnering on third-party titles.

While these partnerships helped them in a somewhat quiet 2015 for big first-party content, 2016 sees the launches of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian, PlayStation VR, and more. Despite Sony’s busy schedule next year, PlayStation Europe President Jim Ryan told MCV that the partnerships won’t be slowing down:

We are going to be strong with games that we have developed and we will publish, but third-party partnerships will continue to be important to us.

Adding that “the days of a platform holder working in isolation are long-gone,” Ryan continued by saying the relationships with publishers operate on many levels and “they will certainly continue to be really important in 2016.”

[Source: MCV UK]