Star Wars Battlefront Tips: Jedi Can’t Block Explosions, Increased Vehicle Speed Reduces Weapon Power

With just a few hours to go until Star Wars Battlefront launches in North America on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, a few members of the development team posted some helpful tips.

For blasters and weapons, Designer Christian Johannesén says to “maintain controlled fire with your blaster to manage both heat and bolt spread,” while the Ion Shot makes your blaster more powerful against vehicles, and weaker against troopers while active.

“With each successful cooling flush, the skill game increases in difficulty,” Johannesén adds. “When failing, dying or not activating the cooling flush, the difficulty level will decrease again.”

Johannesén then listed tips for Star Cards and power-ups:

  • The Ion Grenade is a great way to quickly deal with pesky Droids and turrets.
  • The Pulse Cannon does greater damage the longer it’s charged. A fully charged shot will defeat a person with one shot.
  • Combine the Jump Pack with an explosion based weapon — like the Bowcaster — to rain mayhem from above.
  • The Smoke Grenade not only reduces vision, but also blocks lock-on functions for weapons, turrets, and Droids.
  • Energy shields blocks incoming energy blasts, but solid projectiles like grenades, rockets, and the Cycler Rifle slug will pass through.
  • If you have a power up you do not want, you can hit interact (Square) in front of a power-up to change it for a new one.
  • The Cycler Rifle and Pulse Cannon must be fired while scoping in order to maximize its accuracy.
  • The Smart Rocket fires like a regular launcher, but the rocket will target and track a vehicle if fired in its general direction.

Johannesén wasn’t done there, adding that your hand of Star Cards is extremely important in Hero Hunt and Heroes vs Villains, because “not even a Jedi can block an explosion.” You’ll also find that Droids have a scan pulse that reveals enemies to your entire team, along with their attacking capabilities.

When it comes to piloting Starfighters, Designer Nick Baker says taking damage while trying to call in a vehicle will reset the progress. Also, while reduced velocity increases weapon power, “increased velocity reduces weapon power for the A-wing, X-wing TIE fighter, TIE interceptor, Slave I, and the Millennium Falcon.”

You can also use evasive maneuvers to break missile lock and Soft lock, and holding the Left Trigger activates your targeting system to land shots easier.

Newly added after DICE received beta feedback, the AT-ST’s weak spot is on its back. Baker says, “Try to target this when attacking one and defend it when piloting.”

Finally, Mission Scripter Jim Fagerlund says, “In regular Battles, press the D-pad up to make your AI allies ‘search and destroy’ and D-pad right to ‘follow player.'”

[Source: PS Blog]


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