Upcoming Star Wars Battlefront Update Doesn’t Include New Map, Says Dev

A day ago, we reported on a leaked EA Brazil video (later removed), which hinted that the upcoming Star Wars Battlefront update will include a new Tatooine map alongside new outfits for Luke and Leia. Over on Twitter, lead lighting artist Oscar Carlen has said that the video was taken down because of “misinformation” and that the January update does not include any new maps. 

Carlen also said that he’s still polishing the new maps, and while he believes that the upcoming patch won’t disappoint players, he finds it “heartbreaking” for fans to set themselves up only to be disappointed later on. “We work so hard to make you happy,” he commented. 

In other Battlefront news, DICE’s Dennis Brännvall has acknowledged the increasing demand for releasing multiplayer maps offline, stating that the developer isn’t making any promises but is “investigating.” “I’d love to see it happen,” he added.

We’ll update our readers when we have more information on the upcoming update.

[Source: Oscar Carlen (Twitter) via VideoGamerDennis Brännvall (Twitter) via Wccftech]