Jonathan Blow Reflects on Early Success of The Witness, Spoiler-Free Tips Surface Online

It had been an awful long time coming, but Jonathan Blow’s The Witness is now finally out in the wild — and it’s a doozy

Reflecting on the game’s meandering path to launch and its subsequent success, the Thekla Inc. head honcho took to PlayStation Blog to acknowledge Sony’s support of the puzzler, and encouraged those who have yet to pick up The Witness to remain in the dark to avoid spoilers.  

Per PS Blog:

It’s been a long road to get here and we have worked very hard to make the best game we can. It is the best thing I have ever worked on, and being able to put it out in the world, it’s a good feeling. Reviews have started coming in already and they are very good! If you haven’t heard of the game before now (or have heard of it but don’t know what it is or why it’s interesting!), and think you might enjoy a game where you explore an abandoned island and solve puzzles, go ahead and check out a few reviews.

Speaking of which, Sony Social Media Specialist Justin Massongill offered a helping hand to early adopters who have perhaps lost their way on Blow’s mystical island — or if they’ve simply ran into something of a roadblock. In a separate post on PS Blog, Massongill offered up half a dozen tips that we’ve included below, though we encourage you to consult the full guide for a more insightful walkthrough. 

  • Stock up on graph paper
  • Play with headphones
  • Don’t overthink it
  • Use that Share button
  • Don’t be afraid to walk away…
  • …but don’t give up

The Witness is available to download digitally for PS4 from today. 

[Source: PS Blog (1), (2)]