Bethesda Maps Out Reasons to Love Doom Starting With Hell and Franchise Legacy

In part one of three features, publisher Bethesda has mapped out eight reasons to love Doom in anticipation of the reboot’s upcoming release. 

From glory kills to the indelible BFG, Bethesda’s preliminary collection runs the gamut, with Senior Producer Sean Bean stating that “Doom is Deathmatch, an attitude, an expression. It’s rock-n-roll and sending demons straight back to Hell with a double-barrel shotgun with blood on your face. Doom is id.”

In resurrecting the dormant classic for a new generation, Executive Producer Marty Stratton added that id Software’s design approach has always been to double down on crafting a shooter that is fun to play, even placing action first and story second

“Our approach has been that this game needs to first and foremost be incredibly fun. No matter your past history with DOOM. If someone has never heard of DOOM before, I think we will make them a fan. But, for those who are already fans, I hope they see and appreciate the inspiration we’ve drawn from the legacy of DOOM and enjoy how that permeates everything, from the combat, guns and characters to some of our best secrets.”

Doom is slated for a release across PS4, Xbox One and PC on May 13. For a more comprehensive overview of those remaining reasons to “love Doom,” head on over to Bethesda’s official site. 

[Source: Bethesda]


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