Editor’s Letter – Thoughts on Open Discussion Posts and Forums

Well, here we are; the first Editor’s Letter of 2016. While I’m very thankful for PlayStation LifeStyle’s gigantic leap last year, we’re not stopping there. We’re going to try and push for new things, which is the exact thing I’ll be discussing now.

One thing I’ve always wanted to do but didn’t have the time to do so is to connect with you, our readers. I’ve exchanged tweets and comments with some of you, as well as most of the staff. This got me thinking: what if we had a way to discuss anything (even non-PlayStation/video game) stuff on the site? Imagine talking to the PSLS staff and readers about what we think of movies, what happened to other games, etc. 

It’s like having an open forum each week.

Now here’s the tricky part. We can go about it in different ways. We can do all these via Disqus in a weekly post where everyone can talk about anything under the sun, or we can have a proper chat feature set up for that particular post. Finally, we can also try using the forums with me linking to the forum thread where people can participate. If clicking a link before commenting or sharing your thought felt too much like work, we can even throw in a $20 PSN card for the post the most interesting post.

So, where do we go from here? That's where you people come in. I'm writing this Editor's Letter to ask for feedback on how we should tackle this since most of the time, you readers will be the one using it every week. Do you even want this on the site? Please let me know what you think either by commenting in this post, tweeting me or sending me an email or by using that poll right there. 

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