Score Rush Extended Brings Bullet-Hell to PS4 on May 31

A widescreen bullet-hell dual-stick shmup from developer Xona Games, Score Rush Extended is coming to PlayStation 4 on May 31 in North America and June 2 in Europe.

Based on the original Score Rush that Xona didn’t think was complete, Score Rush Extended includes online leaderboards, updated gameplay at 60 frames-per-second, new artwork, Dual Play where you can control two fighters at once, Boss Rush modes, couch co-op for up to four players, three difficulty modes, and more.

Inspired by games like Raiden, Thunder Force, Gradius, and Contra, Producer Matthew Doucette talked about their goals with Score Rush Extended:

Our goal was to make the most philosophically pure shoot ’em up — to truly test how skilled you are in a way no other shmup has. A key piece was redefining the scoring mechanic: removing all bonus points and measuring only domination itself. No gimmicks. No hidden points. No puzzles. To get the highest score, destroy everything as fast as possible. An example, does saving bombs or lives – something that normally awards bonus points — help destroy enemies? No. So, no points are awarded. Purity!

Our philosophy is to empower the player. We built the most finely-tuned game we could. Its speed is optimized for maximum precision. We give you the best controls possible to let you dominate the screen. We also adopted a small 4×4 pixel hitbox and a slowdown button – mechanics born from Japanese bullet hells.

You’ll also find that the DualShock 4 audio in co-op will project what’s happening to you, as opposed to your friends.

[Source: PlayStation Blog]