The Watchmaker and Unknown Fate Announced for PS4, Xbox One & PC

Ahead of each of them appearing at gamescom 2016 later this month, publisher 1C announced this week that they’re bringing The Watchmaker and Unknown Fate to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC in 2017.

The Watchmaker, a puzzle-adventure from Micropsia Games, is set for release in Q2 2017 and takes place inside a giant clock tower. Playing as Alexander, a keeper of the clock tower, you wake up one day to a mysterious voice telling you the clock tower has been sabotaged, making time run wild:

Gameplay in The Watchmaker illustrates the collapse of time through a unique mechanism, in which the health of the main character is indicated by his age. Alexander ages extremely quickly, as if suffering from a strange disease, his enemies’ attacks further accelerating this process. And so instead of collecting medkits, Alexander collects time to regenerate his youth. The entire aging process is elaborately animated and reflected in the character’s face, posture and movements.

Trying to avoid the ultimate end that old age brings, players must guide Alexander through the clock tower. Exploring its environment full of intricate puzzles that need solving, and enemies to be defeated, Alexander must uncover secret after secret, to finally unravel the mystery of The Watchmaker

As for Unknown Fate, it’s a story-driven first-person adventure set for release in Q3 2017. Developed by MarsLit Games, you pass seamlessly from the real world into a surreal world where you’ll encounter strange characters and unfamiliar artifacts:

Engulfed in mystery, you’ll take cautious steps deep into the unknown, only to have your mind swept away by yet more questions, nibbling at your grasp of what you think is real and true – your certainties will start to crumble.

With no way back and a strong urge for answers beating in your temples, you push on, striving to get grip on the odd difficulties surrounding you, eagerly awaiting the moment your mind will be untangled when the thread of your journey finally unravels all the way. But there is some way yet to go…

The PC version of Unknown Fate will also include VR support. There was no mention of PlayStation VR support.