PlayStation VR Move Controller Twin Pack Out October 13, Includes Two USB Cables

Announced back in June with a $100 USD price tag, the PlayStation Move Motion controller double pack, titled ‘PlayStation VR Move Controller Twin Pack’, will release on October 13 and includes two Move controllers, two wrist straps, and two USB cables, EB Games Australia reveals.

It remains to be seen if there’s any differences between these Move controllers and the Move controllers for PlayStation 3, though Australian site Press-Start says the model number is different. According to Game Informer, Sony says you should buy these new Move controllers because the older ones may fail due to the age of their internal batteries.

As the Australian product description for the Twin Pack says, Move controllers will be used for some PlayStation VR games, but not all:

Whilst not required for PSVR titles, The move controllers will bring the best experience whilst playing VR titles that will utilise control. Nearly all PlayStation VR titles will support DualShock 4 controllers and several games will deliver an enhanced experience that further immerses gamers with the use of peripherals such as the Move controllers. For example, Batman: Arkham VR can be played without Move controllers, however you would be holding DualShock Controllers in each hand so the PS4 camera could see the light bar for the movement of each hand.

Will you be buying Move controllers separately, or are you getting them in the more expensive PSVR launch bundle?

[Source: Press-Start, EB Games Australia via GamesRadar, IGN]


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