Video Game Delays

10 Agonizingly Long Waits For Video Games

Persona 5 is now out in Japan, and that fact has me feeling a bit mixed. On one hand, I’m so glad that the game is finally released and that fans are getting to enjoy it! On my other, much more selfish hand, I’m frustrated that I have to wait until February 14 to play it in English. I’ve actually imported the game, so it’ll be interesting to see if that makes the wait easier or harder.

Either way, I’ve been waiting for Persona 5 for years now so what’s another few months? Plus, it’s not the first time that a game has taken years to finally release after delays or had a lengthy localization time. This made me think about all the other times I’ve had to wait for a video game to come out, and it ended up being a pretty painful trip through memory lane. Since I don’t want to suffer alone, I’ve compiled a list of 10 agonizingly long video game waits!

Check them out below.

I hope you enjoyed my list of 10 of the most agonizing video game waits, either in the past or ongoing. Video game delays are always going to be a thing, so I guess it’s something everyone will have to get used to. Just stay patient and keep expectations in check!

Let me know in the comments below what games were the hardest for you to wait for, and if you ever ended up losing interest in a game completely since it took so long to come out!

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