Nioh – Everything You Need to Know

Five weeks into 2017 and already we’ve welcomed some truly great games onto PlayStation hardware. Towards the beginning of the year, we had Gravity Rush 2, a mind-bending sequel that improved on its predecessor in every which way. Then came the one-two punch of Resident Evil 7 and the western port of Yakuza 0, two Japanese titles that impressed fans and critics alike.

Next up is the release of Team Ninja’s Nioh, the long-in-development action RPG primed for release on February 7. Buoyed by the success of two demos, excitement for the über-stylish title is beginning to reach a fever-pitch — and given the stellar reviews beginning to pour in, it’s small wonder why.

The status of PSLS’ review is but one small tidbit included in our Everything You Need to Know post for Nioh. In anticipation of its PS4 launch on February 7, we’ve scoured the four corners of the internet — and the PSLS archives — to compile all the necessary information you could ever need pertaining to Team Ninja’s imminent RPG.

At long last, Nioh will launch exclusively for PS4 on February 7. Those in Europe and other PAL regions can expect the RPG to make its way across the pond the following day, February 8. Japan, meanwhile, will receive the title on February 9.

Stay tuned to our Nioh review which will hit the site very, very soon. We’re running the game through the ringer to make sure we give it a proper verdict.

Essential Reading: