You Can Now Play as Wonder Girl in the Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap Remake

The Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap remake is set to release on the PlayStation 4 on April 18, 2017, and one of the game’s art directors, Ben Fiquet, went on the PlayStation Blog to talk about the game’s development, as well as to announce a new playable character, Wonder Girl.

In the post, Fiquet unveils that players will now have the option to play as either Wonder Boy or Wonder Girl. He also talks about the transition of the game from 8-bit graphics to hand-drawn 2D art and animation, including the development of the characters’ new looks.

Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is being developed by Lizardcube and DotEmu and will be released on the PlayStation 4 and other platforms on April 18, 2017. While the remake will feature new visuals, a Retro feature will also be made available for players who prefer the title’s classic 8-bit graphics.

[Source: PlayStation Blog (US)]