fortnite update

Fortnite Servers Down Yet Again (Update 3: They’re Back…Again!)

Fortnite servers down

Update 3: They are allegedly back for good.

Update 2: They’re back to having issues. My lord.

Update: They’re back!


If you’ve been unsuccessfully trying to get into Fortnite, you’re not alone. According to multiple posts on social media and Reddit, the servers for Epic Games’ recently released action builder are down.

The servers went down earlier this week when Epic Games were doing some active building of their own trying to restore their servers as hoards of players bombard them like storm husks assaulting a fort. We’ll keep you updated when they return, and when Epic Games issues an official statement.

This influx of players isn’t surprising as people have taken a keen interest in the early access release of the long awaited title (it’s already sold 500,000 copies). In our impressions of the early release, Tyler Treese indicates that Fortnite’s loot grind is an addicting proposition.

“While there are a few rough edges that make it clear why Fortnite isn’t officially releasing until next year, I’ve had a really great time with the inventive shooter so far. I’m rarely someone that gets into a loot grind, but Epic does such a great job at constantly broadening the game experience that I’m always excited to unlock something new in-between missions. I’m not sure that I can fully recommend dropping nearly $40 just to play the game early (and get a bevy of bonus unlocks), but it won’t be a wasted purchase as long as enough friends are down to play it together.”

Are you sitting here reading this instead of playing Fortnite because the servers are down? If you’ve got nothing better to do, might I suggest reading these posts on PlayStation LifeStyle?

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