By The Numbers: PlayStation LifeStyle’s Highest Scored Games (Part Two)

PlayStation LifeStyle has been around for nearly 10 years, and I figured a fun way to kickoff our new statistical-driven feature By the Numbers would be to take a look at some of the lowest scores we’ve handed out to games over the years. Some readers asked to see the highest reviewed games, and there ended up being a lot more games that got awarded a 10 than a 1. Due to that, I’m separating this feature into a few parts (the first of which can be found here, but please note that it has been updated as five games were initially looked over).

In the second of three parts, we’re taking a look at the games that received the prestigious 10/10 score in 2012, 2013, and 2014. All three years were filled with great games, but only eight titles were able to grab our top score.

With that said, check out the eight games in those three years that were able to capture the reviewers’ hearts and have PlayStation LifeStyle give them a 10/10 rating below:

I’ve included the reviews for each game in the slideshow above. So, if you want to learn why each game earned their 10/10 rating then read the full text. As the great Dave Meltzer often says, “reading is your friend.”

By the Numbers is a new weekly recurring feature that’ll look at gaming from a numbers-oriented view. Next week we’ll be back with the third and final look at the site’s highest rated games.

Essential Reading:


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