telltale games closure

Telltale’s Games Might Have a “Fundamentally Different” Format By the End of 2018

Telltale boss, Job Stauffer, has told Games Industry that the studio wants to push its boundaries and evolve over the next few years, and as part of the process, its creatives want to make bold changes to the format that their games follow. According to Stauffer, Telltale’s games could be “fundamentally different” by the end of 2018.

There’s nothing we can talk about yet, but it will be iterative. So you might see changes between episodes in current seasons. By the end of 2018, the format of a Telltale game could look fundamentally different from what it does now, even going down to how we release stuff.

Right now we release five episodes at a time, piece-by-piece every four or six weeks. The very nature of how we release our series could have changed by 2018. The release structure of these two projects [Wolf Among Us and Walking Dead] could be very different to what we have for Batman.

I can’t commit to anything right now, but from format playability to release structure and cadence, we expect to see changes in all areas by the end of 2018.

Elsewhere in the interview, Stauffer said that Telltale is keen to explore new genres, especially those that he thinks are underrepresented in games. “We have yet to really tackle a romantic comedy, something on the lighter side,” he noted.

What do our readers want to see Telltale tackle next? Here are ten properties on our wish list!

[Source: Games Industry]