final fantasy xv comrades

Restore the Light in the Final Fantasy XV Comrades Expansion, Out Now on the PS4

Players can get ready to join the Kingsglaive elite force, as the “Comrades” expansion for Final Fantasy XV is now available on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. For players who purchased the Final Fantasy XV Season Pass, the expansion should be available for download. For anyone else, the expansion is now up on PlayStation and Xbox Store for $19.99.

FFXV Multiplayer Expansion Comrades – Launch Trailer

The expansion takes place after the events of Chapter 13 in Final Fantasy XV and puts fans in the shoes of the remaining survivors of the Kingsglaive as they fight to restore light to the world during Noctis’s absence. Players can also create and customize their own avatar in the game, along with gaining the special powers via royal sigils. Alongside the release of the expansion, Square Enix has also released a new game update that allows players to accept multiple hunt quests as well as check out new cooking recipes. For more on the expansion, check out below:

In Comrades, players can create and customize their own avatar and partake in epic quests in a world engulfed by darkness. As members of the Kingsglaive, players will equip royal sigils that grant special powers from the rulers of old, strategize with one another and create a balanced team in battles against formidable foes and beasts. In addition to multiplayer quests, players can experience the story unfold in a thorough single-player campaign. By using the base of operations in Lestallum, the player can undertake a variety of exciting quests and encounter familiar faces

Final Fantasy XV is available now for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and will launch for PC in early 2018.


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