overwatch retribution

PSA: Overwatch Retribution Event Ends April 30, Play This Weekend to Earn New Cosmetics

There’s no denying the staying power of Overwatch. Originally released back in 2016, the game has been going strong for two years now with no sign of slowing down. The latest event is Overwatch Retribution, an Archives event that allows players to relive old missions and stories from the history of the characters. While events run for three weeks, Retribution has already been going since early April, so it is nearly time to close out this chapter.

Overwatch Retribution will be ending on April 30. You’ve got the weekend to play as much as you can to earn any missing cosmetics that you might want. After that, this mission will be reencrypted and head back into the storage until next year’s Archives event returns and adds even more.

Experience pivotal moments from history in Overwatch Archives. Join a team of four heroes and participate in cooperative, story-driven missions that give you a new perspective on the era before the fall of Overwatch.

This year, you can take command of the agents of Blackwatch and face off against Talon in an exciting new mission, Retribution. You’ll also get a second chance to stop an omnic insurrection as last year’s Uprising mission returns for a rematch. Looking for more of a challenge? Dial up the difficulty and earn additional achievement rewards.

The event features eight new skins and a number of other brand new cosmetic items, themed around the Blackwatch mission in Retribution. The Uprising event items from last year also make a return if you are missing any of those cosmetics.

If you don’t have the chance to play this weekend, expect the Overwatch anniversary event to be announced soon. May 24 will be the two year anniversary. I would estimate that Blizzard will begin the event on May 22, but there’s every possibility that they run it early and set the start date for May 15. Either way, it won’t be much longer before you’ll be earning even more brand new skins and items, and playing a whole new Overwatch event.

A rework of the Lunar Colony map leaked out earlier this week and the studio announced some incoming balance changes that are currently being tested.

Will you be playing Overwatch Retribution this weekend? Tell us which skins you want most in the comments below.