hitman summer pack

Hitman Summer Pack Out Tomorrow, Gives Another Free Episode

Developer IO Interactive tweeted out today that tomorrow, the Hitman Summer Pack will be available. Most notably, this release will make Hitman’s episode 3: Marrakesh available for free. This follows the spring pack, which of course gave episode 2 away.

In Marrakesh, players are tasked with taking out two targets. The first is Claus Strandberg, a Swedish banker who upset the wrong people. Reza Zaydan is the second target, a general who takes over a school in the middle of a protest. Players spend their time between being on the streets of Morocco, and being in and around an embassy building.

While IO Interactive announced the summer pack is releasing tomorrow, the company did not give any time frame, although being a Tuesday you can assume it will follow the usual marketplace updates. The tweet also says the pack will be available for a limited time, but again, no specifics are given. If you like Hitman, you might want to just go ahead and snag the license, even if you haven’t picked up one of the many iterations of Hitman yet.

Of course, while IO Interactive continues to give out free, seasonal content for Hitman, this is all just a fun way to bring new people in while the road to Hitman 2 ramps up. Announced around E3 time, Hitman 2 is currently scheduled to arrive on November 13, 2018. Pre-ordering that will grand access to Hitman 2: Sniper Assassin, a standalone experience that should help fans scratch that nagging itch a bit until November.

[Source: Twitter]

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