final fantasy xv pocket edition hd

Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition Icon Appears on European PlayStation Store

Whoops! An ostensible mistake on the UK PlayStation Store has spoiled what may be a surprising announcement for Final Fantasy fans. Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition might be coming to consoles. Square Enix appears to be tacking that “HD” onto the name, making the full title Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition HD. As you can see in the screenshot above, an icon for the game appeared in the PlayStation Store lineup, though no official announcement has been made.

This was simply discovered within the PlayStation Store, when a user scrolling through noticed the game’s icon just hanging out in the new games section. Its presence there is definitely a mistake, as clicking on it takes you to a “this content cannot be selected at this time” error message.

If you don’t know what the heck this is, Square Enix released the original Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition on iOS, Android, and the Microsoft Windows store earlier this year. It’s a cute, truncated version of the full Final Fantasy XV experience that changes the gameplay quite a bit, but keeps the story surprisingly intact.

Typically, you can download the first episode of Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition for free, then pay piecemeal for the rest of the game or buy it outright. It remains to be seen if the model will be similar for the console version or if it will be a more traditional one-time software purchase.

[Source: Gematsu]



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