playstation 4 cloud save

PlayStation 4 Cloud Storage Increase Now Rolling Out for PS Plus Members

It wasn’t too long ago when Sony announced that the capacity for for cloud saves for PlayStation Plus members would be increasing in February 2019. Well, the change came sooner than expected, as the feature is now live. Sony says the feature is “rolling out,” so you may not have the increased storage quite yet, but be on the lookout for the addition.

With the feature, PlayStation Plus members who take advantage of the feature now have access of up to 100GB of storage. The original cap was 10GB, so an increase to 100GB is a big change. This comes as PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita games will no longer be offered to subscribers for free. Sony offered over $1,500 worth of free games in 2018, so the removal of them is definitely a big change. It’s unknown if the feature is seen as a replacement, but either way, it’s definitely an appreciated addition.

The increase in cloud storage is just one of many consumer-focused decisions Sony has made in the past year. Of course, it finally announced it would allow cross-platform play on the PlayStation 4. In addition, PlayStation Network members will be able to change their Network IDs at some point in the future. The feature is still in the works, though some users were able to test out the feature

If 100GB still isn’t enough for you, you can always check out the officially-licensed PlayStation portable hard drive. Since the size of games are getting bigger and bigger, more storage is definitely needed.