ac valhalla orlog

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla’s Orlog Is Getting a Physical Release

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla‘s dice minigame, Orlog, is getting a physical release. This news comes from boardgame website Dicebreaker, who spoke to co-development game director Benoit Richer about the fictional Viking pastime.

Richer revealed that the initial version of Orlog was similar to a deckbuilding game, in which players collected unique dice to customize their throws. “We always wanted to have the aspect of the gods’ powers influencing it somehow, so on that version it was a face on the die that was representing a god type,” he told Dicebreaker. “The goal for that was to be able to roll multiple faces of that god to take effect.”

Apparently, the original Orlog became a little too complicated, prompting Ubisoft’s Singapore and Chengdu teams to simplify it. Both these studios have developers who have worked on games like Uno and Might & Magic.

“The goal was to have a game that would be ‘credible’ rather than historically accurate as we didn’t find any clear rules throughout our research,” Richer continued. “Norse culture was about gaining pride and avoiding shame in every aspect of their lives, such as combat, politics, arguments and sports.”

According to Dicebreaker, Ubisoft will be teaming up with PureArts to ship a physical version of Orlog in 2021. However, no further details are available at present. Orlog will join the ranks of CD Projekt RED’s popular card game Gwent, which garnered its own fanbase among The Witcher III: Wild Hunt players. Gwent later released as a standalone video game as well.

[Source: Dicebreaker]