need for speed twitter

Need for Speed Twitter Apologizes for Rude Tweets About Early Access

The Need for Speed Twitter account has issued an apology for some “recent social media replies” that “crossed the line.” These responses, which included the insult “Milkshake brain,” were posted in response to another Twitter user who was criticizing the game’s paid-for early access. The questionable replies have since been deleted, but not before screenshots had been captured.

Need for Speed Twitter account’s rude tweets

The above tweet was posted after a particularly nasty interaction between the game’s Twitter account manager and user @KyloZen0.

Responding to an NFS Tweet that included both a gameplay video and an advertisement for the game’s more expensive Palace Edition, @KyloZen0 criticized the latter for providing three days of early access at a price premium.

The Need for Speed Twitter account responded with tweets criticizing @KyloZen0’s reading comprehension, before labeling them a “Milkshake brain” and telling them to “Cry about it bro.”

While the offending tweets were eventually deleted, @Dexerto managed to grab the screenshots embedded above.

Something all fans will support is the release of a new gameplay trailer, which provides the most in-depth look at NFS Unbound so far. This trailer focuses on a Mercedes 190 E, though the entire roster of vehicles can be browsed here.


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