No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise Crashes the PlayStation Party

First released for the Wii in 2008, Grasshopper Manufacture’s No More Heroes was ported over to HD consoles in Japan last year. Jumping from publisher to publisher, No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise will be coming to exclusively to the PlayStation 3 in North America and Europe next year.

In 2011, Konami will be bringing Suda 51’s eclectic open-world brawler No More Heroes to the PS3. With the HD version gaining the subtitle Heroes Paradise, NMH will be getting brand new content for the PS3 version of the game, including new features, more bosses, and PlayStation Move support. Players can use the DualShock 3 or the Move to battle their way through the game. Travis Touchdown has never looked so good as the 11th ranked assassin in the city of Santa Destroy, remastered in glorious HD. Travis must fight and slice his way up to the top, all with his mail-ordered Beam Katana (not lightsaber). Players can use the DualShock 3 OR the Move to battle their way through the game.

More news is coming soon, so stay tuned to PlayStation LifeStyle as soon as the newest information comes about.
