PLAYSTATION Video Service: It’s going to be a HOT SUMMER *UPDATE* Our Original Scoop on the Story Posted

When Peter Dille Talks, Apparently People Listen. (I am not surprised). Side Note: That is Sir Stringer in the picture.


Peter Dille recently posted on the PS Blog about the present and future of the Playstation Network. He spoke of the new store, which we love here at Sev1512, and other coming services as well. One of the primary services that were discussed, is the video download service. He described it as a service unlike anything that is currently offered by any other provider. (Yes, that does include Apple and Microsoft for those that were wondering). What he said that seems to be a staple of Sony execs, is that we would hear more about it soon.


Guess what?


The Los Angeles Times has run a story about the upcoming video download service. It is being reported to be released this upcoming Summer. That’s not all, it is going to be DRM-Lite. (Yes, I promise we are talking about Sony here). That would truly set it apart from the other services that are currently offered. The service would be accessible across devices such as the PS3, PSP, and computers. Sony is reportedly in talks with studios as we speak.


There you have it. Will we be seeing this service this Summer? I certainly hope so. This will only strengthen what the PSN has to offer to gamers and entertainment lovers everywhere. Do I expect this to interfere with the adoption of Blu-Ray? Of course not. Packaged video media is far too large of a business to go under in such a short time span. Sony’s approach of using the Playstation brand to further its initiatives in other areas of technology could prove to be extremely successful. If you don’t believe me, just ask someone who bought an HD-DVD player what the Playstation brand can do.


Hopefully we’ll be hearing more about this upcoming service. In addition, I’d love to hear more about Home and other PSN features. Considering that Peter was most candid about the video service in his post it is not surprising that this information is coming out now. Let’s just hope someone, Peter, Noel, or anyone else over there at Sony, will be able to inform us about all things Playstation soon.


Thanks for reading.


LA Times

*UPDATE* Our Original Scoop


FROM: sev1512 Add User to Friends List · Add User to Ignore List
SENT: 03-15-2008 11:14 AM  
Re: Hello  

Hey my friend.

I dont remember if it was you or OldBloodandGuts who I was telling via PM, that the the PS Store was getting made over, and that we were finally getting downloadable movies. But its now all over the net.

That info came directly from the same guy who told me Home was coming soon. He has been right about everything so far.

He never told me any exact dates, but from what I am gathering April 15th is going to be HUGE for the PlayStation brand.

Last I checked, April 15th was when the store was released. I find that to be huge. Why? Because that was Sony directly showing us that the company is listening to the consumer. It also signalled the beginning of the revamping of the PSN. I can’t wait to see what’s next. From the latest news, it’ll be the download service. Hoping Home isn’t far behind.