MGS 4 In Time Square

Everyone knows that the MGS 4 release date is right around the corner. June 12th can’t get here soon enough for me though. I’m even taking my PS3 with me on vacation so I can play it on the release date. For those of you that are Metal Gear fans to the core, you can go to NYC for the launch party.

Hideo Kojima will be there. Metal Gear Solid 4 will be there. Will you be there? Hope some of you can make it there. I’ve always wanted to meet Kojima, but I will be on the other coast at the time. If any of you happen to make it, tell him that Chris Rah Osiris said thanks for making so many classic titles for the Playstation and in general. Oh yea, I’ll be buying ZOE3 when he finishes it.

Thanks for reading
