Little Big Planet: Pre-Orders Done Right

Written by Chris Rah Osiris
Amazing Bag for an Amazing Game
Amazing Bag for an Amazing Game

The latest blog post on the Official Blog really has me excited. Little Big Planet was the game of E3 and it could be the game of the year. I do not know how the pre-order numbers were looking, but Sony has done something to guarantee some good numbers.

Sony is offering all sorts of goodies to those that pre-order the game. You can get a mini-guide to assist your level creation endeavors. You can get a sack to store your game in or you can get stickers. Nice offering right? It gets better.

Nice, no?
Nice, no?

I like Kratos. I like Nariko. Exclusive downloadable costumes for your sack boy or sack girl. I cannot wait. More details about these and possibly more pre-order offerings are on the way. Stay tuned.

Oh yea, have a look at Kratos on the way out

Looks like there is competition for the Helghast Sack Boy
Looks like there is competition for the Helghast Sack Boy