An Interesting Remote

Written by Chris Rah Osiris

Have you ever seen this before? I haven’t either. It does look intriguing though. This is courtesy of PSOnly.

Accessory giant Nitho will release a controller, remote AND keyboard all in one for the PlayStation 3. The device came up while at the Leipzig Games Convention. See a picture of this multifunctional remote control beneath this.

As you can see the remote control has the standard buttons such as Play, Pause etc, and also the PlayStation 3 buttons. If you however, open the bottom, you will see a keyboard with two mini analogue sticks and all the buttons of a normal controller.

Unfortunately it is not known yet when this remote control will be in stores and how much it will cost.

As you can see the translation isn’t perfect. The new translation is thanks to superaktieboy. More details as they arrive.