David Hasselhoff Coming to PAIN? Believe It!

Written By T3mpr1x
The Hoff, coming to a PlayStation 3 near you.
The Hoff, coming to a PlayStation 3 near you.

In one of the most unexpected moves from the creators of PAIN comes a special character prepared to launch onto your screens November 6th. You read that headline right, David Hasselhoff is going to be a featured character when the latest expansion for PAIN goes live.

Hoff above the back alley of Downtown PAIN.

Now, when Mr. Hoff was first approached with the concept of the game, he wasn’t quite sure about it. He states that while he was all for spanking monkeys (And who isn’t?), the rest of the game was hard to come to grips with. Then he got his hands on it, and instantly “got it.” Hoff was so impressed by the game that he decided to do a cover version of the Culture Club classic hit “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me” exclusively for the game! The Hoff will come with three outfits in this expansion:

  • The pictured tuxedo.
  • A swimsuit.
  • Leather jacket and jeans.
Hoff twirling in the air Downtown.

For those who don’t know what the Movie Studio expansion entails, here’s a basic rundown of its features:

  • More than one launcher location.
  • Single-Player “Fun With Explosives”
  • New “Cratetastic” Mode
  • Unlockable FREE Character (The Buzz! Host)
  • “HORSE” Mode
  • “Bowling” Mode
