PixelJunk Eden to Get Easier This Thursday

Written by T3mpr1x t3mpr1x-cc
It's coming soon.
It's coming soon.

Bought PixelJunk Eden, but can’t seem to get the (pun intended) “hang” of it? Well, you may be in luck. Coming this Thursday, the 15th (or as I like to call it, the day after my birthday) is a new patch that will attempt to make this game more accessible to everyone.

More Eden for all!
More Eden for all!

For starters, those large time-adding crystals will now add half of your time bar, instead of the current setting of adding a third. Also, running out of time is now not the end of the world – you’ll be given the option to continue the game from the last Spectra you collected. But Trophy Whores beware! Doing so will disable the “Garden xx Complete” trophy until you can complete it without running out of time. So the challenge is definitely still there if you look for it. But those looking to simply see all that they can see in the game can now do so without really worrying too much about running out of time. This patch also fixes up the multiplayer camera, which should hopefully make it easier to play with friends.

Announced alongside this patch is an “Eden Encore” expansion that is coming soon. No concrete details were given regarding this patch, other than its existence. We should receive more information about that expansion in the coming weeks, but for now this should tide us over!

Source: PS.Blog