Media Molecule Details LBP Cheeses…

Written by Justin phoenix8387


Media Molecule has made a new post on their blog detailing some of the changes coming sometime down the road to LBP.  They have an interesting way of naming the upcoming patches, they name them after cheese.

The first patch which is currently in testing goes by the name of edam and contains a number of fixes.  This patch will hopefully go live sometime during February if everything goes as expected.

  • Failed to save profile’ message not being displayed when a users profile is full.
  • Object Capture Bug: switch connectors being deleted when an object is captured.
  • Failed to load profile issue :where the user is thrown out to the XMB due to a texture that is not   registered in their profile being present in their pod.
  • Text not displaying in the text chat window.
  • Slow rewind due to moderation check.
  • Save file corruption which caused the game to crash when placing any object in an emitter in any level.

The second patch goes by the name of Cornish Yarg and is said to add new creation tools to the mix, though nothing specific as to what they may be is mentioned.  Furthermore, this patch will include a lot.  Enough to warrant some severe testing, which may include some regular players.  So do we have another LBP Beta on our hands?  We’ll find out more in February!

The final patch detailed is Leerdammer as is intended to help those who are experiencing lag and packet loss causing some less than favorable online play.  This is still in devellopment so it could be some time before we hear much more about this.

Like any good cheese, the patches mature with time and only get better.  To help keep everyone up to date MM will soon be adding a new section to their site entitled ‘the cheese board’ where they can keep information on all the upcoming patches.

Source: Media Molecule Blog