Rumor: Aliens RPG Canceled!

Written by Paulmichael temprix

aliens_rpg_01Word has been flying around the internet that the Aliens RPG title has been canned. This rumor seems to have started based on David Kondor’s listing on LinkedIn. In his profile, he has listed under his experience that he was a “Designer for canceled third-person action Aliens RPG (Xbox 360, PS3, & PC).”

Concept art!
Concept art!

Obsidian Entertainment, the developer behind this series, laid off 20 or so employees on February 11th, Kondor being one of them. This game was originally scheduled to launch sometime early next year, but with the state of things lately it seems like this game will remain a distant unfinished memory for some. SEGA, the publisher, has yet to respond to queries about this game, and simply gave the usual “we do not report on rumor/speculation” line.



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