Criss Angel Comes Home, Brings His Own Couch


Those who receive monthly <a href=” “>PSP <a href=” “>PSN newsletters were not only reminded this month that Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show is available in August (most of the staff has their copy pre-ordered), but were also made privy to to some very exciting news related to Home.

Starting August 6th, PlayStation <a href=” “>Home users and Criss Angel fans alike will be able to watch new episodes of MindFreak in the newly remodeled North American Home theater. In addition, those who tune in to Thursday’s broadcast within Home will be awarded with a free exclusive MindFreak virtual coffin couch to spruce up their space.

Participation in this event will undoubtedly be monitored, so we encourage everyone to come out and enjoy the show. Doing so will allow content providers to feel increasingly comfortable about bringing more shows, and maybe movies, to Home. Free stuff is always good too.



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