Update: The Down-Low on What to Download 09/14/09

Half-Minute Hero


Half-Minute hero is an RPG where all the battles are only 30 seconds long. What that means is from the time you enter the world till the time you defeat the main enemy you only have 30 seconds. All of the battles are done automatically with the hero and enemie running at each other until one runs out of life. If you die you must hurry back to town and replenish your HP. The demo has two differnt levels and each is just as hectic as the last.

This game is extremely frantic and chaotic. From the battles to the shopping everything is done fast. It’s odd to have all of the battles be done automatically, but it works with this game. Overall we don’t think this will be for everyone and it actually gets quite frustrating since you do not have much time to think. This seems like a game to pass on, but if your looking for a different take on an RPG then this may be the one for you.

Fifa 10


The demo’s main menu screen introduces us to some new features, such as “live season 2.0″, which will let you track your in game progress against real world results, and “virtual-pro”, which will let you grow a created player across multiple game modes. The real meat of the demo though is the actual game play. You can choose one of the following teams Chelsea, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, Marseilles, Juventus or the Chicago Fire, and play an accelerated game. The graphics are gorgeous the controls work great and the gameplay is crisp.

As a whole the staff really enjoyed this game. It is just a fun as previous iterations and does not do a whole lot new. But with a game done so well sometimes not changing a lot isn’t a bad thing this is a must play for all Soccer (Futball) fans.

Little Big Planet and Fat Princess


There is little to be said about either of these games. Little Big Planet has taken user created content to the next level, and now has more then 0ne million user created levels. Fat Princess is an extremely addicting online multiplayer game with cute graphics mixed with buckets of blood. Team work is the key to the success here. Everyone needs to own both of these, but if your still sitting on the fence read our reviews on Fat Princess and Little Big Planet and try out these demos.

That wraps up the Down-Low on What to Download for the week of 9/14. To recap, Katamari Forever is just as intriguing as the first one it may not be for everyone, but the demo is worth a try. Star Wars The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes really is a bad demo the game may improve over the demo, but we’re not holding out much hope pass on this one.  TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled is a great throwback to the arcade game. Sure it seems dated, but it is still fun to play check this one out. Half-Minuted Hero is a different take on an RPG with only having 30 seconds to level up and battle. It is frustrating yet intriguing and may not be a bad download for RPG fans looking for something new. Fifa 10 like past years is still a great game sure not a lot has changed from previous games, but with a game as good as this why change it. Fat Princess and Little Big Planet really do not need much backing both are a ton of fun and every PS3 owner needs to own both.

Apparently Fat Princess did not receive a demo on the EU store this week even though it was on the store update on the EUBlog. I took that as being true and since I already have the game I did not bother to check. So if your looking for a demo no luck this week, but as stated above you still need to buy this game even if you do not get to play the demo.


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