Guerrilla Haven’t Begun to Push The PS3’s Limits Yet

Guerrilla’s Games‘ Killzone franchise has dominated the shooting genre since the release of Killzone 2, which tapped into the PlayStation 3’s capabilities and demonstrated the true potential of the console. However, Guerrilla believe they have not yet “hit the limit” with Sony’s system.

Speaking in the latest issue of Edge, Guerrilla reckons it still hasn’t showcased the PS3’s power fully. The co-founder of Guerrilla, Hermen Hylst stated:

We’re satisfied that we demonstrated the potential of the hardware.

But we realise that further optimisations are always possible and that we haven’t hit the limit yet.

Could these statements be hinting at Killzone 3’s existence? We can only speculate for now, but it can’t be too long now, right?


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